
Friday,March 10, 20174 p.m.


All audiences

First part : Retirantes, Maíra Coelho (Brazil)


Documentary, 2016, 98 minutes
Spanish with French subtitles


The documentary Le Théâtre de marionnettes en Espagne : une belle réalité (Puppet Theatre in Spain: A Wonderful Reality) is a Federation of UNIMA (Union internationale de la marionette) Spain Associations production. It traces the history and presents the life work of more than twenty puppetry arts centres across the country. From the Church of Santa Maria de los Reyes liturgical theater in La Guardia, to the Albaide International Puppet Museum in Alava (Valencia) by way of the Puppet Centre in Lleida, the Pepe Otal Workshop in Barcelona or the TOPIC Center in Tolosa, this documentary takes us back in time to discover some of the Spanish puppeteers who made history as well as those still making history today.




Writers: Felipe Garduño, Federation of UNIMA-Spain Associations and partner companies
Director: Marta García Palomo
Producers: Ignacio Martín Martín and Cezar Monzón
Distribution: UNIMA-Spain