Sunday, | March 8, 2020 | 10 a.m. |
Petit Outremont
1248 Bernard Avenue West
Montréal (Québec) H2V 2V6
Phone: 514-495-9944, ext. #1
Part of the Café-causerie: Budding creations! Event
One day, while touring the Gaspé, as I walked along the shore, I came across a stirring little picnic table designed for a face to face conversation. Lonely as a shipwreck, secretive and understated, it seemed full of promise. I’ve been dreaming ever since of going back, and losing track of time.
Photos: Karine St-Arnaud
Since 2008, Théâtre sous la main has diverted objects from their primary function and given them a theatrical value in order to explore the different levels of perception that one can have of a single reality. The company, twice nominated for an Opus Award, presents intimate shows for both children and adults.
Screenplay, Stage Direction, Scenography and Puppets: Karine St-Arnaud
Collaborators: Claude Rodrigue, Anne Paquet and Jérémie Desbiens
Participating Collaborators: Karine St-Arnaud, Anne Paquet and Jérémie Desbiens