© Mélanie Provencher,
House of Commons Photo Services
In the coming days, the Festival international de Casteliers will captivate audiences with the magic that powers every performance it presents. This event showcases an ancient art that transcends cultural and generational boundaries, allowing artists to share their talent and rich stories filled with emotion, with audiences of all ages.

Congratulations to Casteliers for your remarkable work. Besides giving artists an extraordinary platform, you are enriching Canada’s cultural landscape. Enjoy the festival!


The Honourable Pascale St-Onge




© Conseil des arts du Canada / Christian Lalonde

The arts help us tell our stories, recognize our shared humanity, and build a vision for the future together. And the world needs more of what the arts provide: more beauty, more conversation and more connection—that’s why there has never been a more urgent need to support the arts.

Arts organizations and artists are essential to their communities, ensuring that people across Canada have the opportunity to experience great art. The Canada Council for the Arts is proud to support the Festival international de Casteliers and its creativity in bringing the arts to life for audiences from coast to coast to coast.


Michelle Chawla 

Director and Chief Executive Officer
Canada Council for the Arts



20 ans de magie pour petits et grands

Depuis 20 ans, le Festival international de Casteliers enchante les cœurs de tous les âges grâce à ses histoires captivantes et à son incursion dans l’imaginaire et le merveilleux. Nous sommes heureux de contribuer à cet événement qui témoigne de la richesse et de la diversité du 11e art et met en lumière la passion et le talent exceptionnel de ses artistes.

Félicitations à l’équipe du festival et merci à ses partenaires fidèles ainsi qu’aux marionnettistes d’ici et d’ailleurs pour deux décennies d’expériences inoubliables! 

Bonne 20e édition à toutes et à tous!


Mathieu Lacombe

Ministre de la Culture et des Communications
Ministre responsable de la Jeunesse
Ministre responsable de la région de l’Outaouais




© Ville de Montréal / Martin Girard

Welcome to the 20th Festival international de Casteliers. 

The City of Montréal is pleased to once again support this unique event, which raises the profile of our metropolis by celebrating the art of puppetry. 

A true crossroads for encounters and exchanges between artists, artisans, and people passionate about puppetry from all over the world, the festival offers a diversified program each year, highlighting exceptional talent and innovative creations. 

This 20th edition of the festival pays tribute to all those who have contributed to its success over the years: the organizers, the artists, the volunteers, and, of course, the loyal public. 

Bravo and thank you! Your commitment and passion are essential to the cultural vitality of our city.  

Valérie Plante
Mayor of Montréal








Montréal is a major player in the development of contemporary puppetry, and much of the credit goes to the Festival international de Casteliers! As a hub of professional activity, this one-of-a-kind gathering celebrates the incredible diversity of forms of this age-old artistic discipline, each as captivating as the last.

In addition to showcasing talent from all over the world, the Festival is leading the way in environmental stewardship by ensuring its events are carbon-neutral. The Conseil des arts de Montréal is proud to have been an ally of this vibrant organization for over 15 years.

Nathalie Maillé

Executive Director
Conseil des arts de Montréal



2025: A festive year for both Casteliers and Outremont

2025 will be a milestone year for Outremont. To mark its 150th anniversary, the borough will be holding 150 days of celebrations in its parks and cultural venues. 

The year promises to be just as memorable for Casteliers, which is (already!) celebrating the 20th edition of its international festival. Not so long ago, Casteliers’ programming was strictly local, and then the organization launched the Les Trois Jours de Casteliers festival, which has enjoyed dazzling success on the international stage. What talent and drive! Our borough is proud to have been a loyal partner of Casteliers since its inception. 

On behalf of my fellow citizens, may Casteliers continue to thrive!

Laurent Desbois

Outremont Borough Mayor




Geneviève Therrien & Louise Lapointe © Christian Brault


















When the puppets take hold

For the past 20 years, Casteliers has celebrated the power of the 11th art: the power to fill people with wonder using matter, gesture, shadow and light. The power to bring together adults and children, experts and amateurs, in grand theatres or in intimate theatre settings. It’s about exploring the world, thanks to the universality of the form and the many cultures that make use of its expressive potential.

The 20th Festival international de Casteliers is a celebration of our unique story, interspersed with innovative ideas and countless collaborations, shaped by our passion and deep attachment to the richness of the puppetry arts. Artists and colleagues from  the world over will bring this event to fruition, an event that is a prism, composed of remarkable works from France, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Québec, and Canada.

Puppeteers, cherished audience and valued partners, thank you for being with us for 20 years! Your support and your trust have bolstered our momentum heading into the next decade with some exciting new projects!

Let the celebrations begin!

Happy 20th anniversary!



Louise Lapointe
Directrice artistique


Geneviève Therrien
Directrice générale




© Louise Lemay

Le théâtre de marionnettes est un art ancestral qui a su traverser les époques et continuer à émerveiller les spectateurs de tout âge. C’est dans cet esprit magique que Casteliers a pris racine il y a déjà 20 ans. Cette famille de passionné·es s’est donné pour mission d’innover, de rassembler et d’avoir un impact social à travers la marionnette.

Elle est un vecteur puissant de culture, d’émotion et d’éducation. Vive le pouvoir du 11e ART, qui est capable de créer des ponts entre les peuples, de transcender les frontières linguistiques et de transmettre des messages universels. Casteliers a su exploiter tout le potentiel de cet art pour en faire un outil d’unité et de partage et honorer ce pouvoir à travers des spectacles innovants et engagés, tout en se liant d’amitié avec des artistes des quatre coins du monde. Casteliers a contribué à faire évoluer cet art millénaire et œuvre sans relâche à démocratiser la marionnette, cet 11e art riche d’imaginaire pour tous les âges.

En célébrant le 20e anniversaire de Casteliers, nous rendons hommage à cette famille d’artistes qui, par leur passion et leur dévouement, ont su faire rayonner la marionnette et lui donner toute sa place dans notre monde contemporain. Leur héritage restera gravé dans nos mémoires et continuera d’inspirer les générations futures à explorer les infinies possibilités de cet art illimité et puissant.



Cynthia Wu-Maheux
Porte-parole du 20e Festival international de Casteliers