
Sunday,March 8, 202010 a.m.


Petit Outremont
1248 Bernard Avenue West
Montréal (Québec) H2V 2V6
Phone: 514-495-9944, ext. #1


Part of the Café-causerie: Budding creations! Event

One day, while touring the Gaspé, as I walked along the shore, I came across a stirring little picnic table designed for a face to face conversation. Lonely as a shipwreck, secretive and understated, it seemed full of promise. I’ve been dreaming ever since of going back, and losing track of time.



Since 2008, Théâtre sous la main has diverted objects from their primary function and given them a theatrical value in order to explore the different levels of perception that one can have of a single reality. The company, twice nominated for an Opus Award, presents intimate shows for both children and adults.


Screenplay, Stage Direction, Scenography and Puppets: Karine St-Arnaud
Collaborators: Claude Rodrigue, Anne Paquet and Jérémie Desbiens
Participating Collaborators: Karine St-Arnaud, Anne Paquet and Jérémie Desbiens